Whether you feel like a great student or just "o.k.", you will probably get anxious, or others will make you anxious, about college. Part of my job is to reduce that stress and help you enjoy life in high school even while preparing, planning, researching, and applying for college admission.
The best way to keep the process from being overwhelming and painful is for our focus to be on what you need and want from college. Too many students and parents worry about what colleges are looking for in students, as though colleges are the customers and you have to serve them. You are the customer. Once you successfully make this shift in your thinking, college exploration really can be a fun process of researching and evaluating institutions to determine which ones will best meet your needs and interests.
Once we identify together the dozen or so colleges that best answer the question, "What's the right college for me?", we will help you show colleges your record, accomplishments, and personality in the best possible way. We will enhance the likelihood that these colleges will see you as the right student for them!
Dr. Jim Yannopoulos